The Serapeum is located northwest of the Djoser Complex in the Saqqara Necropolis, which is part of the Memphis Necropolis. The Serapeum was dedicated to burying the Apis calf.
Who is Apis?
It is believed that Apis is the incarnation of the god Ptah, the main god of Memphis in ancient Egyptian mythology. Apis lived in the barn of the temple of Ptah in Memphis as a sacred animal. Apis was different from other calves, as it distinguished by its black color with existing a white mark on his forehead, a depiction of an eagle on his back, and a scarab sign on his tongue.
Its mother got pregnant by a bolt of lightning from heaven that resting in her womb, and she would not give birth after him, as well this calf had no father.
During the period of King Ptolemy I, the worship of the calf Apis was merged with the Greek god Serapis so that the Greeks and ancient Egyptians worshiped the same god.
During the Persian occupation of ancient Egypt, the king of the Persians killed the sacred calf of Apis for expression of hatred or humiliation, which increased the Egyptians’ hatred of the Persians.
The discovery of Serapeum:
The Serapeum was discovered in 1850 AD by Auguste Mariette, where he found the head of the Sphinx covered in sand, so he ordered to remove this sand and used explosives to remove the rocks blocking the entrance to the Serapeum. Thus, one of Egypt’s most important tourist attractions in Saqqara was discovered.
Serapeum design:
The first burial of the Apis calf in the Sarabum in Saqqara was during the reign of King Amenhotep III, 18th dynasty, New kingdom. The burial continued until 30 BC.
The Serapeum consists of long tunnels with 24 rooms. Each room contains a granite sarcophagus, weighing from 60 to 80 tons. This sarcophagus was intended for the burial of the Apis calf. These coffins were found empty, with no mummies of calves.
There are many questions related to the Serapeum, such as:
1- Why were the coffins empty, and where are the mummies of calves?
2-How were the heavy granite coffins entered into these passages?