Farafra Oasis is one of the most beautiful oases in Egypt. It is located on the southern road between Cairo and 巴哈里亚绿洲. It belongs to the New Valley Governorate, where it is located 170 km from Bahariya Oasis and 627 km from Cairo.
The history of Farafra Oasis:
Farafra Oasis was an important stopping point on the trade route between the Western Desert and the Nile Valley. It had an important role during the ancient Egyptian civilization during the 10th dynasty, as it was called (Ana Akhet), which means the land of the cow, referring to the goddess Hathor.
Farafra oasis was famous during the Roman period for the growing of grain, while during the Coptic period, the Copts of Egypt fled to it to escape from Roman persecution.
After the Arab conquest of Egypt, the trade of dates and olives flourished between Farafra and the Nile Valley. The family of Mohammed Ali Pasha was also interested in Farafra, where Khedive Ismail sent the German scientist Gerhard Rudolf to it to see if there was a dry river or not. Rudolf published a study related to his stay in the oases.
Farafra Oasis’s population is 20 thousand people. It is distinguished by the preservation of its customs and traditions because it is isolated. It is famous for the cultivation of apricots, dates, and olives.
There is currently a good road network linking Farafra with other oases and the Nile Valley, making it more reachable.
The most important tourist attractions in Farafra:
Farafra includes many monuments dating back to the Roman period, such as the Farafra Palace, Qaser Abu Monqar, the ruins of a Roman temple, and rock-carved tombs.
The White Desert: It is located on the road between Bahariya Oasis and Farafra Oasis, and it is divided into two deserts.
Ancient desert, where mushrooms and tents area.
The new desert that is distinguished by its limestone formations because, in the past, the desert was covered by the sea, so its rocks contain some seashells.
The Black Desert: It is located on the road between Bahariya Oasis and Farafra Oasis. The mountains of this desert are made of black rocks due to volcanoes.
Badr’s Museum: It is a mud-brick house owned by a local Farafra artist, Badr Abdel Moghny. This museum displays the customs and traditions of the Farafra community.
Farafra contains natural water wells that are used for medical tourism.
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