Aswan is one of the 30 most beautiful cities in the world. It is characterized by its calm, charm, clear sky, wonderful views of the Nile,
and beautiful and colorful Nubian houses.
In ancient times, the main God of Aswan was the God Khnum. The god Khnum was depicted in the form of a ram or the form of a man with a ram’s head. The Egyptians believed that he would shape the human being before birth on a potter’s wheel.
But in the Greco-Roman, the Goddess Isis became the main God of Aswan. The goddess of motherhood and beauty and built for her the temple of Philae
Aswan is considered a wonderful tourist site because it contains many archaeological sites such as the Temple of Philae, 未完成的方尖碑, the Cape tombs, the Nubian Museum, the Fatimid tombs as the Aga Khan Tomb, and Abu Simbel temples, famous for the phenomenon of the illumination of the sun on the Holy of Holies.
It is famous for its boat trips in the Nile River and Nasser Lake and watching the wonderful natural scenes and the Nile islands in Aswan.
In Aswan, one of the most important landmarks of modern Egypt is the High Dam.
UNESCO has carried out a campaign to save temples of Nubia from drowning after the construction of the High Dam in 1971.
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