Memphis, the first capital of untied Egypt, dates back to 3100 BC. It was a center for worshiping of the Memphis triad (Ptah, his wife Sekhmet, and their son Nefertem). Now, Memphis is located in Mit Rahinah – Al Badrashin in Giza Governorate.
According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the founder of Memphis was King Menes, the first king of untied Egypt. Memphis was used as the capital of ancient Egypt from the first dynasty to the sixth dynasty. King Mina chose this place to build this city to control Upper and Lower Egypt.
The name Memphis came from the ancient Egyptian name Men – Nefer. Later, the Greeks called it with Memphis. Then the Arabs called it Manf. Today, it is called the village of Mit Rahinah.
The Museum of Memphis
The Open Air Museum at Memphis is considered the most famous place in Memphis.
The museum houses many collections. The most famous artifact there is the huge limestone statue of King Ramses II. The statue is 10m long.Ramses II is one of the greatest kings of the 19 th Dynasty and has many huge statues and great temples.
Also, there is a giant sphinx statue of Queen Hatshepsut, which is made of alabaster and weighs 80 tons. It is considered the second largest statue of the Sphinx in ancient Egyptian civilization. Queen Hatshepsut is considered the greatest queen of ancient Egypt at all, and she is the fourth ruler of the 18th dynasty and the daughter of the great king Thutmose I.
you can visit Memphis with Giza and Memphis Day Tour