Habu Temple is one of the largest funerary temples in Egypt, with a length of 320 meters and a width of 200 meters. This temple was built for the great king Ramses III. It is located on the western bank of the Nile River in Luxor.
The royal palace was connected to the 1st court of the temple through the window of appearances.
The temple begins with a pylon decorated with scenes depicting the king’s wars in Syria. To the right of this pylon, there is a shrine belonging to the 18th Dynasty. This pylon leads to an open court. Then we reach a huge tower called Majdal, decorated with scenes battles for King Ramses III.
Then we reach the 2nd court. It is decorated with scenes of religious celebrations, especially the festival of the Min God,
and scenes of the king giving offerings to several gods.
Then we will reach the 1st hypostyle hall. It contains 24 columns by 6 rows. It is surrounded by 16 chapels. Some of them were dedicated to many gods of ancient Egyptian mythology, while the others were used to store the supplies of the temple.
Then the 2nd Hypostyle hall contains 8 columns of papyrus in two rows.
At the end of this hall, there are 3 entrances. The middle entrance leads to the Holy of Holies, where the sacred boat of Amun-Ra. The right entrance leads to the chapel of Khonsu. The left entrance leads to the chapel of Mut.
you can visit Habu Temple with Explore the Land of Pharaohs