El Fayoum Oasis is located 100 km southwest of Cairo. It is characterized by its charming natural landscapes and various types of tourism such as archaeological, recreational, rural, and environmental.
Many activities can be practiced in El Fayoum, such as visiting archaeological sites, safari, sand boarding, enjoying waterfalls, and visiting nature reserves.
El Fayoum Oasis name:
During the ancient Egyptian period, it was called (pa yam) because there was a sea there. In the Greco-Roman period, its name was changed to be (pa yum). In Coptic, it became (fa yum). Then After the Arabs entered Egypt, (El) was added to become Fayoum.
The oasis history:
El Fayoum is considered an important city in Egypt throughout history, but its golden age was during the Middle Kingdom, the 12th dynasty. As it was being taken as their capital, the center for the worship of the god Sobek, who takes the shape of a crocodile, dams were built, lands were reclaimed, and many crops were planted there.
Also, El Fayoum Oasis played a great role during the period of the Greco -Roman period.a great archaeological discovery was found in El Fayoum, which is the El Fayoum portraits discovery. They are displayed in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir now. They illustrate the artistic features of the Greco-Roman period.
The most important landmarks of El Fayoum:
1- Lahun Pyramid: The pyramid of King Senusret II, the 12th dynasty. It was built of mud bricks and covered with a limestone casing.
2- Hawara Pyramid: The pyramid of King Amenemhat III of the 12th dynasty. It is built of mud bricks and has a limestone cover.
3- Qarun Palace: It is located 50 km southwest of Lake Qarun. It is characterized by the beauty of its inscriptions.
4- The city of Karanis: it has the ruins of two temples of God Sobek.
5- Wadi Al-Hitan: One of the Egyptian heritage sites. It contains the remains of whale fossils that explain how the whale evolved from a mammal to an aquatic animal.
7- The magic lake
8- Wadi Al Rayan
9- Lake Qarun
you can vist El Fayoum Oasis with Fayoum Day Tour