Dakhla Oasis is one of the six oases of Egypt. It is located in the western desert in the New Valley / Al-Wadi Al-Gadid Governorate, between the Farafra and Kharga oases. This oasis is characterized by the existence of green landscapes and is famous for its orchards of dates and olives.
History of the Dakhla Oasis:
Specialists believe that the history of the Dakhla Oasis started with Prehistory when nomadic hunter-gatherers began to stay in the oasis during the Holocene period, but during the Pharaonic period, it did not have a great history.
During the Roman period, there was a monastery called the Stone Monastery, founded by the Roman Emperor Nero. This monastery was dedicated to the Theban triad (Amun-Ra – Mut- Khonsu).
The Dakhla Oasis includes many important places that made it a tourist destination, such as:
Mut village:
In the Dakhla Oasis, there are 16 villages; the most important and largest of them is Mut village. Its name came from the name of the Egyptian goddess Mut, the wife of the god Amun.
The village is characterized by its mud-brick walls and narrow corridors. Also, It has a poorly preserved Roman enclosure.
The most important tourist attraction in this village is Bir Talata, located in the center of the village. This well is rich in iron and sulfur that help in treating diseases. The water of this well comes from a depth of 1000 meters underground.
El Qasr Village:
This village is located 20 km north of Mut village. This village contains a large number of wonderful ancient monuments, houses in the Islamic style, and Ottoman and Mamluk buildings built of mud bricks. The Ottoman and Mamluk buildings are like the Sheikh Nasr al-Din Mosque, which dates back to the Ayyubid period, and only the minaret of 21 meters in height remains.
Bashindi Village:
This village is located 40 km east of Mut. This village is characterized by its mud-brick houses that have been meticulously decorated with colorful decorations. In addition, there is an Islamic cemetery with the shrine of Sheikh Bashindi.
Balat Village:
It is located to the northeast of the village of Bashindi. It has mud-brick tombs that belonged to the rulers of the oases and their families. Important treasures of copper and pottery were found in these tombs.
you can visit Dakhla Oasis Oasis with Kharga and Dakhla Oases from Luxor